Advanced Radiography Techniques

We are dedicated to improving equipment inspection by streamlining the process while simultaneously decreasing interference and contractor downtime.


Leaders in Our Industry

AIT has been one of the leaders in the development and implementation of Advanced Radiography techniques for many years. Using some of the most advanced equipment in the industry and highly trained personnel, we offer computer, digital, and close proximity radiography. Our Subject Matter Experts will help you find the right RT technique to fit your project, needs, and your budget. We can also offer conventional RT upon request.

Computed Radiography

  • Uses Gamma or X-ray sources
  • Uses reusable phosphorous imaging plate for image capture
  • Image processing is performed with a plate scanner, computer, and software (no hazardous chemicals)
  • Sensitivity can be adjusted to meet project requirements
  • Can be used to perform weld quality, profiles, or informational inspections

Digital Radiography

  • Uses Gamma or X-ray sources
  • Uses digital flat panel director for the acquisition of images
  • Image processing is completed seconds after exposure and is automatic (no hazardous chemicals)
  • Sensitivity can be adjusted to meet project requirements
  • Can be used to perform weld quality, profiles, or informational inspections
  • Can have a drastic impact on the cost of inspection on large projects
  • Dramatic impact on production and cost of LNG tank construction

Close Proximity Radiography

  • By utilizing specialized equipment, radiography to be done in densely populated areas safely without shutting down personnel
  • Requires effective communication prior to mobilizing CPR / RS crews
  • Can be used with conventional film or computed radiography to produce high-resolution images
  • Greatly impacts schedules and the cost of projects
  • The use of low-intensity sources allows RT personnel to acquire less radiation dose

Conventional Radiography

  • Uses Gamma or X-ray sources
  • Uses film for image capture
  • Requires a darkroom for processing film in chemicals
  • Film and equipment are widely available
  • Sensitivity levels can be adjusted to fit inspection requirements
  • Can be used to perform weld quality, profiles, or informational inspections

Interested in learning more?
Our existing team members have worked together for 20+ years and have extensive combined experience in Eddy Current, Phased Array, API Inspections, Advanced Radiography, and Traditional NDE Methods.  Our team has the highest level of training and certification using that expertise to find new solutions to your Asset Integrity issues.

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Let's discuss your next project.

Our team has worked in Oil and Gas (upstream, midstream, and downstream), mining, power generation, and many others.  Our team values the long-term relationships it makes with our customers as evidenced by our strong repeat business requests.  


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