Advanced Inspection and Non-Destructive Services

We have many decades of experience in many industries. Our professional services are trusted by hundreds of companies across the world.

Our Services

Let's discuss your next project.

Our team has worked in Oil and Gas (upstream, midstream, and downstream), mining, power generation, and many others.  Our team values the long-term relationships it makes with our customers as evidenced by our strong repeat business requests.  


We offer a full complement of non-destructive testing services with the latest technology and in a cost-effective manner.

At AIT, we pride ourselves on being able to offer our clients the latest and most advanced non-destructive testing methodologies. Using cutting-edge technology, our highly trained and certified technicians are able to pinpoint and document any imperfections, deformations or structural fail points that may occur in your assets over time. By catching these issues early, we can help you avoid potentially costly repairs or replacements down the line.


Advanced Ultrasonics

In Advanced Ultrasonics, a phased array is an advanced imaging technique that can be used to detect, size, and characterize defects in materials. Phased array imaging is similar to traditional ultrasound imaging, but with the added ability to scan material from multiple angles simultaneously.
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Advanced Tubular & Surface Inspection

AIT is among the industry leaders using revolutionary technology as well as highly trained personnel (over 85 years of combined experience) to provide Eddy Current, Eddy Current Array, Remote Field, Near Field, IRIS, Tube End Gauging, Remote Visual Inspections, Surface Eddy Current, and Array Surface Eddy Current.
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Advanced Specialized Radiography

AIT is one of the leaders in the development and implementation of Advanced Radiography techniques. Using some of the most advanced equipment in the industry and highly trained personnel, we can offer not only the conventional RT techniques but also Computed, Digital, and Close Proximity Radiography.
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Mechanical Integrity

We provide thorough, unbiased mechanical integrity assessments across operating systems and components within the plant infrastructure and field sites. We take a comprehensive approach to our evaluations, looking at everything from equipment design and installation to maintenance practices.
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Ready to request a quote, or learn more about our services?

From our team of experienced engineers to our state-of-the-art software, we're here to help you meet your inspection needs. We work with you to define your project and provide recommendations for your unique situation.


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